
Thermostat Settings: On vs. Auto. Photo of a digital thermostat mounted on a wall with a blue screen on.

Thermostat Settings: On vs. Auto

March 21, 2025

We all know the difference between the heating and cooling settings on a thermostat.

But what’s the difference between the On or Auto switch? How does this setting impact the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in your Las Vegas home?

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Why Is My Thermostat Blank? Photo of a digital thermostat mounted on a wall with a blank screen.

Why Is My Thermostat Blank?

March 12, 2025

It is an “Oh no!” moment when you approach your home’s thermostat and see its screen is blank.

Is it serious? Does it mean your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioning is broken? Not necessarily. In fact, most of the time, it is something minor and can be easily fixed.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running? Mature adult man working at home.

Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

February 28, 2025

Believe it or not, this is a fairly common problem our professionals at Sun City Heating & Cooling see frequently, so you don’t need to worry—we can help! However, before you rush to call us, troubleshoot some common solutions. If they work, you save yourself a repair fee. If they don’t, then you know you definitely need professional furnace repair.

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The Basics of Winter Indoor Air Quality. A little girl laying on her moms lap.

The Basics of Winter Indoor Air Quality

February 14, 2025

In the winter, being snug as a bug in a rug in your home can be cozy, but it can also play havoc with your indoor air quality (IAQ) here in Nevada, creating some significant health problems. At Sun City Heating & Cooling, we recommend taking precautions to avoid the common issues associated with winter indoor air quality.

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Why Buying a Heat Pump Instead of a Furnace Makes Sense. Photo of someone holding a jar of coins labeled "Savings".

Why Buying a Heat Pump Instead of a Furnace Makes Sense

January 31, 2025

Want to heat and cool your Henderson home, fight climate change, and save money—all at the same time?

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How Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer?

How Can I Make My Furnace Last Longer?

January 15, 2025

The average furnace lasts between 10 and 15 years. But did you know you can take steps to make it last longer? There is no shortcut or hack to increase your furnace’s longevity.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home? Photo of a family of three freezing in their home, huddled under blankets to keep warm.

Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

December 30, 2024

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Henderson home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room, causing spotty heating or cooling. On cold days, this can be a nuisance. You may be confined to only a few rooms in your home, or you might…

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Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up? A heat pump that is covered in ice.

Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up?

December 13, 2024

     When air filters are left to collect particles for too long, they become clogged. This hinders airflow, trapping moisture. Dust, pet dander, and smoke are just a few examples of things that can clog your filter.

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How an Air Handler Works. Flower arrangement on an end table in a living room.

How an Air Handler Works

November 29, 2024

Air handlers work in conjunction with your heating and cooling equipment to produce the perfect indoor temperature. They have four main components with important duties.

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A father talks with his hands as he leans against the railing of his front porch with his preteen son and has a serious discussion.

How Does a Gas Furnace Work?

November 15, 2024

Our highly trained HVAC professionals are here to explain things in more depth and lend a hand with any furnace issue that arises.

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